Sunday, March 9, 2014

PIA opens bids for acquisition of 10 aircraft

KARACHI: The bids for acquisition of 10 narrow body aircraft for Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) were opened in the presence of the media on Friday. Talking to the media before the bids opening, Chairman PIA Muhammad Ali Gardezi said that the bids were received and opened in presence of media persons for the first time in the history of PIA to keep the process transparent. The bidding parties included M/s Qatar Aviation Lease Company and M/s KL Aero parts. The aircraft offered included Airbus A320 aircraft and Boeing 737-800 aircraft. The bidders have committed delivery by last week of July 2014. The bid offer of M/s. Qatar Aviation Lease Company included eight A320 Aircraft. Four aircraft with year of manufacturing as 2011 and four with year of manufacturing as 2012. The second bid offer received was of M/s. KL Aero Parts for ten A320 and ten 737-800 aircraft with year of manufacturing of 2014. The bids will be evaluated within three to four days and posted on PPRA website. After conducting the evaluation process within next 10 days, the recommendations will be forwarded to the PIA board of directors for approval followed by issuance of letter of intent to the selected bidder. The financing of these aircraft will be done by PIA’s own resources and partially with the help of the government. Chairman PIA said that the aircraft acquisition was approved by ECC and PIA board of directors. He said that as part of revival plan, Pakistan International Airlines is acquiring the latest model fuel efficient aircraft in line with the vision and guidance of Special Assistant to the Prime Minister on Aviation, Shujaat Azeem. With the induction of fuel efficient narrow body new generation aircraft, PIA will be in a better position to improve its sales and provide better service to its customers. The airline is also emphasising on cost reduction. PIA Managing Director Muhammad Juniad Yunus, Director Corporate Planning PIA Shahnawaz Rehman, Director Engineering Saminuddin Naqvi, Director Flight Operations Captain Qasim Hayat, PIA Board member Aslam Khalique and other PIA officials were present during the opening of the bids. —APP

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