Friday, June 27, 2014

Imran warns Nawaz of 'tsunami march' if demands not met

BAHAWALPUR: In a speech to large public gathering, Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) chief Imran Khan on Friday criticised Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and warned him of a 'tsunami march' to Islamabad on August 14 if his demands regarding alleged election fraud in the 2013 General Elections were not met, DawnNews reported. In the speech to PTI supporters, Khan made four demands to Nawaz Sharif's government which he said he wanted to be addressed within one month. He said that one million people will be gathered in the federal capital if his demands were not addressed. Imran Khan's first demand was to know how Nawaz Sharif declared victory in the May 11 elections beforehand. Secondly he demanded to know the role played by former chief justice Iftikhar Chaudhary in the elections. Third he demanded to know the role played by the caretaker government in the elections, and specifically highlighted Pakistan Cricket Board Chairman Najam Sethi. His final demand was of the government to answer about voter fraud in 90 constituencies. "All of Pakistan knows that the elections were rigged," Imran Khan said during his speech. During the speech, he also warned Nawaz Sharif not to politicise the issue of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs). He said that Nawaz Sharif should not make the mistake of thinking that unity over the Waziristan operation means that the PTI will not be a strong opposition. The PTI chief also condemned the PML-N government in Punjab over its handling of Lahore tragedy, saying that the shooting of protesters only took place during dictatorships and not under democratic governments. He also lashed out at the government for what he claimed fake economic growth during its tenure saying all he could see was “Jangla Bus Service,” referring to the Metro Bus Project in Lahore.

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