Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Believe it or not but these tricks can make you look 20 years younger!

Who doesn’t want to look young forever? The skin starts aging after 40. Of course we can’t stop the ageing permanently, but surely can postpone it by a few years. Once pores are blocked, problems begin and breakouts occur. Look for products that have salicylic acid, alpha hydroxyl acids, benzoyl peroxide and retinol. Also, wash with tepid water instead of hot, which increases oil production Instead of relying only on moisturizers and “dream creams” for a quick fix, put the full focus on wrinkle prevention. Look for products with retinol, one of the few substances that help to produce collagen and elastin, and regularly exfoliate to soften fine lines.” If you don’t know what products are right for your skin, don’t use anything. Using nothing is better than using the wrong thing. If you’re still a beauty junkie who can’t let go completely, look for products that are labeled non-comedogenic (that’s medical talk for “won’t clog pores”).” Here are few tips that can postpone your ageing. Increase Your Intake Of Water You may have heard from countless doctors that water is important in maintaining a healthy digestive system. Although it is true that water is essential in ensuring the proper functioning of your systems, especially in the elimination of toxins and waste products, another good reason why you need to increase your H2O intake is that it moisturizes your skin from within. Some say that drinking eight glasses of water is enough. However, if you have a dry skin, it won't hurt to gulp down a lot more than that. By the way, coffee and other beverages with caffeine are diuretics, which makes you urinate more often, so it can deplete fluids in your body. Try limiting caffeine-rich drinks to just one or two cups a day. Ditch damaging Habits Smoking and drinking alcohol are two of the unhealthiest habits that young people like to indulge in. If you are already in your 40s, the effects of smoking and alcohol will start to show on your skin. More often than not people who smoke and drink alcohol a lot have sallow, discolored and lifeless skin. Thus, if you are still dreaming of restoring your youthful glow, you better ditch your nasty habits. Besides, cigarette smoking and excessive alcohol consumption are bad not only for your skin, but for your whole body as well. Protect Your Skin from the Sun Everyday No matter what the season is, you should never forget to wear sunscreen if you are planning to go outdoors in the morning. Even if the weather is downcast, the sun's harmful rays still pierce the atmosphere. It would also be a wise idea to wear sunscreen if you know that you will be exposed to strong and harsh artificial lights, such as those that are used in television shoots and laboratories. Increase Fruits and Vegetables in Your Diet Fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins and antioxidants that are vital in fixing skin damages on a cellular level. Thus, if you want to reverse the havoc on your skin brought about by aging and your unhealthy habits, you should increase your intake of fruits and vegetables to at least nine servings a day. Do Not Totally Eliminate Fats People who are dieting are afraid of consuming fats because they think these are bad for their health and weight. Actually, not all fats are bad and should be totally removed in your everyday meals. Fish, virgin olive, coconut and other vegetable oils are actually helpful not only in retaining skin moisture, but also in lowering bad cholesterol levels and maintaining proper brain functions. Use Moisturizers and Other Anti-Aging Products As soon as you reach 30-40, you should already start using anti-aging creams and moisturizers because your body's ability to retain moisture and restore the radiance and suppleness of your skin is starting to get a little bit rusty. Just make sure that the products you put on your face are of high quality and made from ingredients that are all safe. One anti-aging cream that you can use is Rejuvinol.

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