Thursday, July 10, 2014

Imran should discuss grievances in Parliament: Khursheed Shah

Oposition Leader khurshid shah talk to media by dawn-news KARACHI: Leader of the Opposition in the National Assembly Syed Khursheed Shah said Thursday that Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) chief Imran Khan should come to the Parliament and discuss his grievances instead of calling for a million march, DawnNews reported. Speaking to media representatives outside Bilawal House in Karachi, the opposition leader said that the current political system would be held dysfunctional if decisions were taken through street protests despite the presence of a functioning Parliament. Shah was speaking in reference to the PTI chief’s call for a ‘million march’ on Islamabad scheduled for August 14. The Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) leader also alleged that the Model Town tragedy in Lahore was the result of incompetence on part of Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif. He said that the PPP had rendered immense sacrifices for the sake of democracy and had laid down lives in the quest to safeguard the existing system. Furthermore, the opposition leader said that the PPP was committed to strengthening the country’s institutions, adding that all institutions were currently stable except the Parliament. He said the PPP would not become a part of the conspiracy to derail democracy nor would the party support the move to destabilise the system currently in place. Shah’s comments come a day after the PTI chief said that his party would go to any extent to bring all those to book who had “stolen public mandate” and ensure that these elements should be tried under Article 6 of the Constitution.

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