Thursday, March 13, 2014

3 weirdest ways to lose weight in just one month

Have you tried all but are still unhappy? Being overweight is a problem that can only be solved by hit and trial method as things that worked for other people may not necessarily work for you. Try these 3 queer ideas that will aid your weight loss: 1. Eating spices: Spicy food increases your body's metabolism which makes you digest your food faster. Not only that but it also make you eat less, and hence the weight loss. But too much of anything is bad and the same goes for spicy food too 2. Nose clipping: It works on the lines of no smell so no craving ideology. Food calls through smell, but when your nose is clipped and you are breathing through your mouth, you wouldn’t crave for food unless hungry. 3. Drinking oil: One tablespoon of sugar water combined with a half tablespoon of light olive oil at least twice a day can curb one’s diet.

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